Thursday, March 5, 2009

lUcKy tO hAve hER...

Without her, I am not here in this world. I can say that she is one in a million-that’s my mother. We are so very lucky to have her, for us she’s a perfect mother that everyone wish to have.

She’s my inspiration, to study hard; she always inspired me to do so because she really wants me to finish my course. She’s always advising me whenever I got home and I with that felt her full moral support or me. She always text me if I were okay, and reminds me to pray always. When I’m here in Davao there’s no day that I never thought about her. But sometimes I got irritated with her advice especially about having a relationship with an opposite sex, Hamm.. I think she’s just afraid that having that will ruin my studies, this is one of the reason why I could say that she is really a kill joy, but what behind the truth is that she’s afraid that my future will be same to my sister. My sister was the eldest among of us. She was not able to finished her course because she’s got pregnant and that time because of her situation my parents decided to have the wedding. My parents were expecting that she would graduate but their expectations turns to nothing, and I felt that it was very painful to both of them because they do their best to earn money for her schooling, they gave her what she wanted (also my to brother when he was on schooling) and the result was a failure—as verbalized by my mother ^_^ That’s why she’s not favor of having a relationship while I’m still studying. She always told me about that since when I was on Highs school that I should not enter that first while I’m studying. But as what other siblings committed a mistake to their parents, I entered that when I was on high school because I was just curious of the feeling of having a boyfriend. But when I was on college, there was a big changed to me. I realized those advices my mother rendered to me, I can see also through her that she do her best-work hard to her small business and always reminding me about my studies and these made me realized what are the things I can do to achieved my dreams—for my family to be happy. They say that mothers were kill joy, but for me it’s their nature of being like that. For me, my mother is not a kill joy because all she wants for me is happiness that’s why she wants me to finish my course, and gave to me what I want, supported me in my course now even at first my brothers were not agree to this. She works hard not just because of me but also for the whole family even if my sister and my two brothers have their own family. She’s always concerned about us, even if sometimes they had conflicts with my elder brother/sister, if she could see that they have problem (especially money) she will not hesitate to approach them, she will find a way just to have the solution for their problems. She will mind first our problem before her, even the problem of her customers (regarding to her business). She is really the best and a perfect mother and a strong woman. Strong woman because she was able to manage her small business goes up to think that she’s just a high school graduate. She was able to handle well the legacies of my father. And strong because she know's how to handle many problems. This is the part about my mother where I really proud of her the most. In the year 1998, this was the year, my father was died, and I’m seven years old then. On the proceeding years I started to see and realized the hard work of my mother. She manages her small business through her initiative and now I can say that it is not easy to have that kind of business. c”) There are many reasons why I am so proud to my mother. I know that my sister and brothers also proud to her, though we’re not expressive to one another, I can feel it they have also the same feeling towards our mother. It’s sad that we could not able to express our feelings towards her, how much we love her. I could compare my mother to a bamboo tree. Like the bamboo tree she could still stay strong whatever the weather in her life would be.........

"I could compare my mom to a bamboo tree: whatever the weather will be it would be still standing"

“My mom is a neverending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune”

~Graycie Harmon

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