Monday, March 9, 2009

..still missin' him

They say dogs are man’s best friend and I found that it is true when Fhrance came to my life..

> I found this on the net
..looks the same with Fhrance<
Sometimes I could still remember my favorite pet-Fhrance- he’s a dog. I’m still missed him even though it’s been a long time since he was gone. He was died on December 7, 2005, I don’t really know what’s the reason of his death. Way back that time, two weeks before the day of his death we observed that he’s very weak. He always leaned on the floor and he never ate his food. I was so worried about him that time because he begins to be thin. During this time I’m always in a hurry of going home to know if he’s already okay but I’m always disappointed also. As the days goes by he became weaker and weaker. All of us were worried of his situation because we saw that he’s illness was very severe. At first we thought that he was just had a mild poisoned but we’re wrong. On that also (December 7, 2005: before it was happened) my mother decided to bought a treatment for him. Somehow I was relief with my worries thinking that Fhrance would go to his normal health. But we never expected that on that day also he would pass away. The medicine that my mom bought for him was not used anymore because she was too late on arriving home. When I also arrived from school my uncle informed that Fhrance was dead, when I heard that I immediately ran to my dog’s place and to see if it was true because I thought that my uncle was only joking but again I was wronged. While watching the dog I can’t help but cry. It was so painful to me because even if he’s a dog he’s very special to us. We never treated him as a mere animal as what others treat their dog. I treated him as my little brother. Sometimes if I remember him when I’m in home I just go to the place where he was buried.
Whenever I saw a very fatty dog, the one would comes to my mind right away is Fhrance. I would never forget his physical appearance: very fatty, with small head, cute eyes, even his breath when he’s tired from walking or playing. I still can still remember also that sometimes I got so irritated with my bullied friends and neighbors because they laughed about Fhrance physique (ky dako daw lawas ta’s gamay ulo). But I never mind that much because I knew that there were more people who have complemented than to those who were criticized. There were times, those visitors were also afraid to him because they thought that Fhrance will bit them, it was Fhrance appearance why some people were afraid of. What’s being funny of him was that, if there’s somebody who had occupied to his seat (he always wants to lied there and sleep) he would get angry. That’s one of his behaviors I really and would never forget the most because he like a human being.
I always cherish the time when Fhrance’s still alive because I know that I would never have another Fhrance in my life. He’s one of the gifts God gave me and I am so thankful with that.

>Jhoy's puppy,
I used to care for her also..

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